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  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/

Uganda Parliamentarians Forum on Food Security, Population and Development (UPFFSP&D)

The Uganda Parliamentarians Forum on Food Security, Population and Development is a voluntary and non political undertaking for members of Parliament with a mandate to promote the advocacy and legislation on issues of Food Security, Nutrition, income generation as well as improved livelihood.

The forum provides a platform to MPs to discuss, share experiences and support activities that would enhance participation of communities in acheiving sustainable development

Having a food secure and healthy population in Uganda

Having a vibrant Parliamentary forum will emphasize food security, population and development issues on the advocacy and legislative agenda.


  • To generate general awareness on food security and population issues at all levels in the country
  • To lobby for the inclusion of food security and reproductive health issues in the government priority programmes
  • To ensure that early warning Food security system exists in all parts of the country
  • To identify critical areas of political and economic concerns and develop approaches, structures and strategies to address them
  • To liase with National and International agencies on food security and reproductive health issues
  • To promote investments in food processing, Farming as a Business, Value Addition and Marketing

Uganda Parliamentarians Forum on Food Security, Population and Development (UPFFSP&D)
P.O BOX 7178, Kampala - Uganda
email: or
Tel: +256772527559, +256701527559, +256772841562