Error message

  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/

Parliamentary Budget Office


The purpose of the Parliamentary Budget office is to provide Parliament and its Committees with objective, independent and timely analysis of the national budget.


  1. To provide technical support to Parliament in its legislative and oversight functions
  2. To help Parliament comply with the Budget Act, 2001
  3. To strengthen the capacity of the Department for effective service delivery
  4. To disseminate information to stakeholders about the function of the Parliamentary Budget Office

Key Contacts

Name Designation Telephone

Moses T. Bisase

Ag. Director