Error message

  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/
  • There has been an problem contacting the CMIS server, please see the logs.
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cmis_view in cmis_views_field_formatter_view() (line 229 of /home/www/

Department of ICT


The purpose of the Department is to develop and manage Parliament’s ICT system and  Service.


  1. Development of Information Systems.
  2. Management of ICT systems and services.
  3. Maintenance of the ICT hardware, software and Infrastructure.
  4. Provision of user support and IT training services.

Key Contacts

Name Designation Telephone
Bbaale Fred Director 0414377431
Wabwire Julius Assistant Director 0414377434