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African Parliamentarians Network against Corruption (APNAC)

APNAC is a network of African Parliamentarians aimed at involving parliamentarians in the fight against corruption.  APNAC was formed in Kampala in February 1999, following a seminar under the theme” Parliament and Good Governance: Towards a new agenda for controlling corruption in the fight against corruption”.  APNAC Uganda Chapter (APNAC-U) was later established in August 01, 2000 and has a membership of over 100 Members of Parliament (MPs) drawn from diverse political affiliations.

APNAC-U is a Parliament based organisation that derives its membership from amongst Members of Parliament.  APNAC-U, being a parliamentary group, has offices at the parliament Building in Kampala.

APNAC-U Strategic Interventions

APNAC-U will advocate for the strengthening anti-corruption systems with a focus on;

  1. Ant-corruption monitoring and evaluation systems put in place under a National Anti-Corruption Plan.  This will include stepping up of public information and civic education campaigns at local government levels.
  2. Urging IGG to verify annual asset declarations and to take appropriate actions against non-compliance and present plan for implementing the Leadership Code Act (2002).
  3. Put pressure on the Department of Ethics and Integrity (DEI) to table Prevention of Corruption Bill and prepare Whistleblowers Protection Bill in accordance with international standards.
  4. Expedite the enactment of the Public  Information Bill
  5. Detection and sanctioning of corrupt practices.
  6. Strengthen anti-corruption efforts in order to enhance effectiveness of government spending, reduce wastage and encourage private sector investment.
  7. Strengthen public sector management and accountability in order to reduce fiduciary risks.
  8. Strengthen government procurement mechanisms.
  9. Strengthen local government capacity for efficient and effective service delivery, most especially at the lower levels.
  10. Actively participate in for a that discuss the  planning, execution and review of the National Budget such as the Public Expenditure Reviews, Sector Reviews and PRSC reviews, parliamentary Committees Review of the national budget.
  11. Rally for mass support from MPs to advocate and support Bills and policies aimed at fighting corruption whenever tabled in Parliament.
  12. Hold government accountable on its commitment to fight corruption as spelt out in the JLOS work plan, PEAP and PRSC.